Sunday, September 29, 2013

We're the Millers

Stars             : Jason Sudeikis, Jennifer Aniston, Emma Roberts  
Ratings          : 7,2/10  
Genres          : Comedy | Crime  
Release Date  : 7 August 2013 (USA)  
Format          : 35 mm (anamorphic) (Kodak Vision 2383) D-Cinema


After being robbed of a week's take, small-time pot dealer David is forced by his boss to go to Mexico to pick up a load of marijuana. In order to improve his odds of making it past the border, David asks the broke stripper Rose and two local teenagers to join him and pretend they're on a family holiday.

User Reviews

Its supposed to be a funny summer movie and it is. It delivers laugh out loud jokes with lots of sexual undertones and overtones. The story- line is set up for an off beat road movie; pick up a smidge of Mary Jane South of the border, down Mexico way and return it to Denver to pay off a debt to the drug dealer. Jason Sedakis is the drug dealer. He assembles a unlikely cast of characters as an ersatz family and off they go to Mexico. Jennifer Anniston plays a stripper, recruited to be the mom, and of course, she ends up in various situations wearing skimpy costumes and making penis jokes. What more could you possibly want?The other family members are a nerdy boy and a homeless girl. Both of them are hilarious for different reasons, the nebbish kid is sincere, honest and of course a willing dupe for all of the drug dealers schemes. Tension is added to the film by the appearance of a drug dealer who has been tricked into allowing his product to be sold to the wrong dealer and a DEA Agent and family that the Millers happen to befriend.

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