Sunday, September 29, 2013

Romeo and Juliet

Stars             : Hailee Steinfeld, Douglas Booth
Ratings          : 7,9/10  
Genres          : Drama | Romance  
Release Date  : 24 September 2013  
Format          : 35 mm (anamorphic) D-Cinema


When the star-crossed lovers of two enemy families meet, forbidden love ensues. 

User Reviews

When will people get this. Romeo and Juliet is not about love. It's a tragedy. The tragedy being that these are two young, emotionally immature and inexperienced people who, most likely as an end result of bad parenting, commit suicide. The title characters show nothing of themselves to convince us that they realistically know what it means to be in love, and yet people think they are.
Romeo-He sits in a darkened room alone brooding after being turned down by Rosalind and saying that everything is terrible. At best he's an immature teenager, at worst he's bi-polar. He sees Juliet at a party (probably drunk to drown his sorrows, also on the rebound) and confesses undying love- meeting number 1. He then goes to see her after the party (still drunk, a bit stalker-ish) and they start talking about their love- meeting number 2. Then they get married, just vows, no conversation- meeting number 3. Then he's banished they meet for the purpose of consumation, fall asleep, wake up and he goes without discussing each others favourite colour or anything- meeting number 4. 4 times they meet and know very little at all about each other except appearence.
Juliet-She is being forced into marrying a guy she doesn't know by her parents. Naturally she's rebelious. Also she realises she's better off finding someone she likes more than Paris. So she's not against Romeo flirting with her but she tries to slow him down a bit. Only when she finds out who he is does she start saying she loves him (But Daddy will hate him- rebel). Then everything else she does is pushed by getting away from her parents (and Paris) and Romeo urging things on.
Death scene- Is it any suprise Romeo has sucidal tendancies given his black, reclusive moods. Love needn't be in the equation for him to end it all. Juliet is a teenager who has woken up in a crypt and found her escape route gone and the guy she convinced herself she loved is dead. Her choice is to go outside, explain to her parents that she faked her death to get away from them, (that's not a fun reunion) take whatever punishment her dad can think of, and still have to marry that old guy Paris (she doesn't know he's dead). Add that she might still be a bit high from the drugs she took is it any wonder she feels, in the heat of the moment, that suicide is her only option.
So drink, drugs, hormones, bad parenting, teenage rebellion and emotional instability. Ah yes. THE GREATEST LOVE STORY EVER TOLD (please note the sarcasm).

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